CT1 - National Building Renovation Plans and MEPS

To be updated following adoption of the recast EPBD 

Central Team 1 (CT1) is responsible for enhancing communication between the member states on the topic of renovation of existing buildings. The major focus areas are the provisions in the recast EPBD on National Building Renovation Plans (NBRP) and Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), both central to achieving the decarbonisation of the building stock by 2050.

CT1 addresses both residential and non-residential buildings and works closely with the other CTs focused on the renovation of existing buildings, particularly CT2 and CT3 but also CT4 on finance. There are also strong links and a need for collaboration with the Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED).

The main articles in the EPBD covered by CT1 are Article 3 (NBRP), Article 5 (Setting of minimum energy performance requirements) and Article 9 (MEPS). 

The aim of CT1 is to enhance understanding of the new NBRP framework and MEPS requirements to support the Member States in their implementation. This will involve guidelines and harmonised templates to enable the Member States prepare for implementation, evaluation of measures and identification and sharing of best practices.

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