
In Belgium, the EPBD implementation is a regional responsibility. However, the three regions cooperate to establish a common methodology for new and refurbished buildings, leaving each region free to deviate if necessary and also to define its own minimum energy performance levels. Buildwise has established the common starting point for the calculation methodology for new and refurbished buildings and has worked closely with the Regions in the implementation of this methodology. Where possible, Buildwise will continue to do so for new emerging topics like the BACs (Building Automation and Control Systems) requirement or the aspects linked to LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) and GWP (Global Warming Potential).

Brussels-Capital Region

In the Brussels-Capital Region, the Brussels Environment agency, under the authority of the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Energy, is in charge of implementing the EPBD.

The first relevant ordinance (EPB ordinance) dates from June 2007, and in May 2013, the Brussels-Capital Region Government adopted a new ordinance - the Brussels Air, Climate and Energy Code (CoBrACE) - which entered into force on 1 January 2015.

The CoBrACE treats several environmental and energy-related aspects including the energy performance of buildings. This Code and the linked execution orders transpose the Directive 2010/31/EU.

In December 2020 an amending ordinance to the CoBrACE was adopted to transpose the Directive 2018/844.

On March 7, 2024, another major revision of the CoBrACE was adopted, with a view to implementing the renovation strategy for Brussels' buildings and setting minimum energy performance requirements for all residential and non-residential building units. This revision also implements certain measures of the recast EPB Directive 2024/1275/EU.

Brussels continues to analyse the recast Directive and work on its full implementation and on the revision of the linked execution orders.

Flemish Region

The Flemish Energy and Climate Agency is the public organisation responsible for the energy performance requirements in the Flemish Region. They are also in charge of managing the certification scheme, the accreditation of experts and compliance checking. A central register is used to collect data from all certificates as well as the calculations of new building requirement.

The Energy Decree which also transposes the aspects related to EPBD was adopted for the first time in May 2009 and the linked execution order (Energy Regulation) was adopted in November 2010. Both are amended regularly in order to transpose the EPB Directives. The most recent amendment to the Energy Decree regarding energy performance regulations was on 10 November 2023. The most recent amendment to the Energy Regulation was accepted in May 2024.  

Flanders is currently working on analysing and preparing the implementation of the recast directive (EU 2024/1275).                                                   

Walloon Region

With the overall revision of the regulations (Decree of 28 November 2013 and its Execution order of 15 May 2014 ) carried out as part of the transposition of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the Walloon Region has promoted several developments, such as the display of energy performance indicators within sale and rental advertisements (January 2015), the establishment of a comprehensive control procedure for EPCs and advertising (2015), the addition of technical building system requirements (May 2016), and the development of the levels of NZEB requirements (with an intermediate stage in January 2017).

The transposition of Directive (EU) 844/2018 in Wallonia was carried out by amendments of the Decree in December 2020 and, finally, of the Execution order on 11 January 2023. The content of the TBS (Technical Building System) requirements has evolved (including BACS) and the scope was extended to new buildings. In addition, a new time requirement has been introduced to force the systematic upgrade of pipe insulation and the regulation of heating and cooling systems to today's standard by 31/12/2025 for all buildings.

Wallonia is currently working on the transposition of recast Directive (EU) 2024/1275. This is a good turning point for a more in-depth review: an overall revision of the regulations (both the Decree and the Execution order) and a series of changes that could not be implemented in recent years will be proposed.

Partner Organisation

(former Belgian Building Research Institute - BBRI)

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