The application of the principles of the EPBD, Directives 2002/91/EC and 2010/31/EC, amended by Directive (EU) 2018/844, has resulted in a number of regulatory measures to reduce energy consumption in buildings in Bulgaria.
Current plans and programmes in place have contributed towards the achievement of the national energy efficiency targets by 2030.
These include:
- implementing the ambitious Long-term National Strategy to Support the Renovation of the National Building Stock of Residential and Non-residential Buildings by 2050;
- completing the investments in the Integrated Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria 2021–2030, incl. one of the largest investment in it: “Support for Sustainable Energy Renovation of the Residential and Non-residential Building Stock”;
- achieving a high level of absorption of the EU financial resources under the projects for building renovations within the framework of the Programme "Development of the Regions“ 2021-2027.
In addition, efforts have been made to identify future mechanisms to continue improving the energy efficiency of buildings.
The energy consumption indicators and the energy performance of buildings, the minimum energy performance requirements of buildings or parts thereof, with a view to attaining the optimal cost levels, energy efficiency technical requirements, and the methodology/standards for determining energy expenditure in buildings, including of nearly zero-energy buildings, are determined by new Ordinance No. RD‑02‑20‑3 of 2022 on technical requirements on energy performance of buildings of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
Тhe transposition of Directive 2024/1275 is due in 2025 and as usual will combine the expertise of several institutions and other stakeholders as technical universities and auditors‘ organizations. The Directive’s provisions will affect two main laws – Energy Efficiency Law and the Law on Spatial Planning as well as numerous technical regulations under these laws.