
In France, the implementation of the EPBD is the responsibility of the Ministère de la Transition écologique, de l’Énergie, du Climat et de la Prévention des risques.

Aiming at replicating the successful transposition of Directive 91/2002/EC, France has been working on implementing Directive 2010/31/EU since 2010. Law 2010/788 of 12 July 20101 and the regulation that followed have significantly improved the energy performance certification process, while the implementation of the new thermal regulation, RE2020, has brought energy efficiency of new buildings to NZEB level.

The Energy Transition for Green Growth Act (LTECV) of 17 August 2015 also provided new tools, e.g., requirements for insulating envelope parts in case of restoration, aiming at increasing thermal renovation.

France is now focusing on transposing the Directive (EU) 2024/1275. Several rules, such as those on BACS, EPCs and renovation passports have already been applied on French ground. Furthermore, the ELAN law (voted in the late 2018) introduced new targets for energy consumption reduction for all existing non-residential building of more than 1,000 m².

Ministère de la Transition écologique, de l’Énergie, du Climat et de la Prévention des risques (MTECP)
(Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention)

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