Zero Energy Communities – Unlocking the Potential of Renewables and Energy Efficiency at District Level |
Introduction by Emilie Carmichael & Sophie Shnapp |
Zero-Energy Communities by Eva Hoos, European Commission |
A view to 2050 ‐ The fully integrated, optimised and carbon neutral district by Erik Christiansen, REScoop |
Unlocking the Potential of Renewables and Energy Efficiency at District Level by Dinis Rodrigues, European Investment Bank |
Towards Zero Energy Communities by Stephan C. Krabsen, European Green Cities |
Local Energy Systems, Community Energy and the Low Carbon Transition by Craig Egner, Scottish Government |
The Governance Regulation and How it Interacts with the 3 Directives: Focus on the Interaction between Provisions that Require Coordination and Promote Better Regulation |
Introduction by Shruti Athavale & Leonardo Barreto |
Interaction between the three Directives under the Governance Regulation by Antonio Lopez-Nicolas, DG ENER |
Interaction between the Governance Regulation and the 3 Directives – German reflections by Johann Duvigneau and Katrin Rosendahl, German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy |
Interaction between the Governance Regulation and the 3 Directives – Danish reflections by Peter Bach, Danish Energy Agency |
Changing Consumers’ Behaviour through Information, Incentives and Innovative Services |
Introduction by Anette Persson, Päivi Laitila, Adrianna Threpsiadi |
The human dimension of the energy transition by Linda Steg, University of Groningen |
Changing Consumers’ Behaviour through Information, Incentives and Innovative Services |
Applying Behavioural Economics by Karl Purcell, SEAI |
National Energy and Climate Plans: Exchange on Implementation, Reporting & Monitoring |
Energy Poverty |
Introduction by Anette Persson, Swedish Energy Agency |
Energy Poverty by Paula Rey Garcia, DG Energy |
Energy Poverty Policies and Measures in 2017 LTRSs and CoM by Paolo Bertoldi, JRC |
Measures to combat energy poverty in Flanders (Belgium) by Roel Vermeiren, Flemish Energy Agency |
RES Heating and Cooling in building codes |
Introduction by Stane Merše, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia |
Waste heat in the context of REDII, EED and EPBD by Eva Hoos, DG ENER |
New building CODE for NZEB – key elements and overall picture in EU countries by Jens Laustsen, DEA |
Requirements for waste heat and renewable heat delivered by district heating in the Netherlands by Lex Bosselaar, Netherlands Enterprise Agency and Ymke de Regt, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations |
Long-term Renovation Strategies |
Introduction by Martin Pehnt, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg |
LTRS and decarbonisation of buildings by Paolo Bertoli, JRC |
The Spanish LTRS 2020 by Eduardo de Santiago, Ministerio de Fomento |
Experience in three current LTRS by Ivan Jankovic, BPIE |
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy measures – synergies |
Synergy of RES and EE measures-Role of RES in EED art 7 target delivery: Case Croatia by Vesna Bukarica, EnergyInstitute Hrvoje Požar |
Innovative Financing Solutions to Bridge the Investment Gap for 2030 |
Introduction by Päivi Laitila, Anette Persson, Adrianna Threpsiadi and Emilie Carmichael |
Smart Finance and sustainable investments to achieve climate targets by Joanna Ziecina and Paula Rey Garcia, DG ENER |
Smart Financing possibilities for energy efficiency and renewables by Dinis Rodrigues, European Investment Bank |
Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) – boosting investments towards sustainable energy by Peter Sweatman, Climate Strategy Partners |
Accelerating sustainable home renovation: EuroPACE implementation in Spain and Europe by Kristina Klimovich, GNE Finance |
Smart Buildings in a Smart System |
Introduction by Xavier Loncour, CSTC |
SMART in the European policy context and role for the CAs by DG ENER |
Smartness of the Built Environment on Building, District and City Scale by Doris Osterreiche |
Multiple Benefits of EE and RES and How to Account for Them |
The relevance of multiple impacts of decarbonization in policy making and evaluation by Nora Mzavanadze, Johannes Thema, Felix Suerkemper, Wuppertal Institut |
Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewables by Samuel Thomas, The Regulatory Assistance Project |
Reflections on Scotland’s Approach by Yvette Sheppard, Energy Efficient Scotland Programme |