CT5 - Decarbonisation and zero-emission buildings

This central team is focused on the topic of decarbonisation of buildings, including the phase-out of fossil fuels for heating and cooling and the concept of very high energy performance.

A significant part of this team’s efforts centre on zero-emission buildings (ZEBs) as outlined in the recast EPBD. ZEB is the target EU member states need to transition their buildings to in order to achieve the decarbonisation of the EU building stock by 2050. While nearly zero energy buildings (NZEBs) has been the building standard for new buildings since 2011, zero emission buildings (ZEBs) will be the building target from 2030. 

The EPBD establishes a framework for the definition of ZEBs, which member states will need to “adapt” to their territorial specificities. Some of the technical issues that will be addressed in this context include the 'energy efficiency first' principle, the contribution of renewable energy sources to energy demand and supply, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Further, CT5 will look at the need for member states to define a road map with measurable milestones to monitor the achievement of the 2050 decarbonisation goal.

The team will also explore the calculation of CO2 emissions and the strategies for phasing out stand-alone boiler systems powered by fossil fuels.

CT5 will collaborate with the Concerted Action for the Renewable Energy Directive, CA RES, on renewable energy sources and the Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive, CA EED, on the local plans for the decarbonisation and renovation of public buildings, and CT6 on calculations and life cycle assessment


Relevant articles in the EPBD

Article 11 - Zero-emission buildings

Support for Articles 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 as well as Annex II and Annex VII.

Relevant information